By Samantha Lodge
There’s a reason this video series has SmartCity in the name. Halifax is home to innovative businesses and smart people. Recently, local interactive media company Ad Dispatch sat down with a big US department store and a comic book mogul to negotiate a major marketing deal.
Ad Dispatch takes products and images and connects a virtual experience to that image. It’s all about augmented reality and their augmented way of thinking has landed them the opportunity to create the Avenger marketing campaign. Working with Wal-Mart and Marvel, Ad Dispatch brings the Avenger characters to life. Smart? How about brilliant!
“If there’s an image I can create a virtual experience with it. So all of a sudden they create a whole other opportunity, a whole other product line based on augmented reality,” says Jonathan Burns, VP of Sales at Ad Dispatch.
SmartCity host Craig Layton gets his reality augmented when he meets with Matt Fegan, Director of Operations. Using a tablet computer a standard image of Captain America is transformed into a life size super imposed superhero standing next to Craig.
But that’s not the only way Ad Dispatch expands reality. From games that let you interact with the real world, to bringing a new level of reality to a t-shirt, this Halifax based digital media company keeps ideas fresh and new while bringing a whole new level to marketing and promotion.
President and CEO, Nathan Kroll says it best. “Augmented reality means we add content, value or entertainment to the physical world and physical objects around us. We add value to not just the marketing of the product, but to the product itself.”
Ad Dispatch’s team has a strong tie to Halifax with at least one third of its team graduating from post secondary institutions in the city.
“We’ve assembled a world class team here of 3D artists that have been vetted and approved by Pixar and Disney and Marvel, and they love the stuff that we’re building,” Kroll says about his team.
With local talent and a team that keeps growing the company is keeping up with the opportunities that keep coming its way. Big names like Home Depot and Disney are turning to Ad Dispatch to create a new kind of marketing campaign that focuses on driving customers to the retail level for this unique interactive experience.
Halifax’s digital media industry is growing and attracting international interest. Ad Dispatch is one of the companies getting Halifax’s name on the map and further proving that businesses can set up and stay in Halifax while creating business relationships all over the world.
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Author: Samantha Lodge
Samantha is the Communications and Marketing Assistant at the Greater Halifax Partnership. She moved from Newfoundland to Halifax to attend university, and ended up rekindling her love of the east coast. She feels that being close to the ocean in a city with so much excitement is the ideal situation – Halifax’s talented music scene is an added bonus!