“You got to change your evil ways…, woman” I am probably misquoting this song but between Santana’s song “Evil Ways” and ELO’s “Evil Woman” bouncing around in that radio station in my brain, I have the topic of evil women on my mind. When I recently asked my co-workers to name some literary evil women, most of them named wicked step mothers from a variety of fairy tales (Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc.) The second most commonly named were also characters out of children’s literature. These included the Wicked Witch of the West, The Snow Queen in Narnia, and Cruella de Ville. Of more modern children’s literature, people mentioned Mrs. Coulter from His Dark Material and the deadly duo in the Harry Potterseries, Mrs. Dolores Umbridge and Bellatrix Lestrange.
So, in no particular order, here are some evil women for you to ponder over:

Annie Wilkes – Misery (M) byStephen King. I love this character even though she is evil and, in my opinion, batshit crazy! Kathy Bates won the Academy Award for best Actress for her movie portrayal of Annie. King has stated that Wilkes is cunning, brutal and dangerously disturbed, and who hides this all behind cheery facade. A nurse by training, Wilkes does not have the best bedside manner. She find Paul Sheldon, a writer, after a car accident and brings him to her home to recuperated. She fawns over him stating that she is his” number one fan” of his character, Misery Chastain. The care that Wilkes gives to Sheldon is enough to give any one nightmares.

Akasha – Queen of the Damned (M) by Anne Rice. Queen Akasha of Kemet became the first vampire when an evil spirit named Emel entered her body. She rules with King Enkil, who she turned into a vampire, circa 5,000 B.C. When the vampire Lestat becomes a rock star in the end of the 1980’s, Akasha is awoken by his music. Rice describes Akasha as fundamentally dark and nihilistic, without morals, ethics or compassion. I know some would not mind a vampire killing other vampires, but when you have become as fond of Lestat and Louis as I have, well, you mind.
Hilly Holbrook – The Help (M) by Kathryn Stockett. God, this woman is a piece of work!. From outward appearances she is the model of society. She is the president of the Jackson Junior League and various other charities. Yet, cross her and she can have you arrested, imprisoned for stealing, your friends and family fired, have you evicted, and have your car repossessed. She can even run you out of town, all without getting her pretty little hands dirty.
And finally, Cersei Lannister from George R.R. Martin’s– Song of Ice and Fire (M) (aka Game of Thrones series) She is the woman I loved to hate this past summer, as it took the better part of the summer to read all five books. I love the series (as you can tell from my previous posts about this book). I won’t go into this again, but I will submit a couple of comments about Cersei. It is interesting she never took her husband’s name of Baratheon. And even if she loves you, you can not trust her, as her brother and children find out. She is nasty, evil and conniving. Hating her helps the reader love the books even more.

Source: http://www.thereader.ca/2012/10/evil-women-in-literature.html