ReTales Aug 4: NATO Day Edition, New NSLC’s, Pizza Delight Tacoma Gone, 2nd Morris East Open


The Rubber Ducky in Highfield should be open this coming week all that wasleft to do is the paving

I said a Thank You to Salvatore’s

The new Wyse Rd. NSLC look ready to go expect the Bridge store to close down and the new one to open this month


Speaking ofNSLC the new LEED certified one on Novalea also looks liek it is in it’s finishing stages

To no ones surprise the Pizza Delight on Tacoma closed, well I shouldn’t say that it was a surprise to employees who showed up for their shifts to find the doors locked.

Morris East opened their new Larry Uteck spot this week

Caribbean Twist which I feared gone has resurfaced in the oddly named South End Catering on Novalea

Another North End discovery O’Dells Gluten Free, is converting the house between Pars and Cousins into a Bakery on Robie

Housewares and baubles will soon bee available Downtown Dartmouth at Kept Shop

and via @jwnichols08 on twitter

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Our friends at Larry Uteck Sobeys wish you all a great NATO Day








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