Favourite Friday: January 24 Edition

L-A: I honestly have no idea how Friday got here so fast. One minute I’m having a birthday and the next it’s a full week later, I’m almost out of cake and it’s Friday.

Whatever. I’ll take it. And I will do all the sleeping. But first, the favourites!

1. Arm Party Addition

My birthday present included a new piece for the arm party. It’s a weird choice for me.

FPQT-Jawbone UP

Yep. Got me one of those fancy wrist things that tells you when you are lazy. It buzzes to tell me I haven’t moved. And it’s confirming my suspicions that my moderately sedentary lifestyle has become extremely sedentary. This is what happens when you work from home. I literally need to get out more.

2. Still jazzed about this.

Marimekko at Banana Republic, bitches. I can't even.

Marimekko at Banana Republic, bitches. I can’t even.

I mean. Really. How could I not be?

The other big capsule collection out there right now is Peter Pilotto for Targé, but I’m not feeling that one as much.

peter pilotto for target

3. We’ve got friends in different area codes

International love for us from Company Magazine? Hells yes.

FPQT - Company Magazine 1

Seriously? Seriously. We had a lot of feelings about this. A little of this:


Followed by this:




And then this, like we’re all cool and Beyoncé about this kind of thing:



So let’s take another look at this favourite:

FPQT in Company Weekly Edit

We look good in British magazines. You can download it here: http://bit.ly/1egDs20 (it’ll cost you $0.99).

Okay, Friday, let’s do this.

Click here to view the embedded video.


Ally: Because I work from home, am at home on maternity leave, and am generally lazy, I find it difficult to get out physically to Halifax’s shopping locations to purchase clothing. Unless it’s a sale at Biscuit. I really try to get it up for that. [L-A Note: working from home + having no idea what’s a good place to shop in KDubs = worst. wardrobe. ever. I’m making California plans just so I can get some new threads.]

Beyond the Rack

I’ve spoken before about Beyond the Rack and the utter joy I’ve had buying fantastic clothes from their online site with my husband’s credit card. This week, I received three brand new BCBG items for my “work wardrobe”.

My favourite has to be the Jasper Skinny in red:


I’m picturing myself wearing these with a white shirt that has sheer paneling on the side. Not sure if such a shirt exists, but perhaps someone reading this can design one for me.

Humblebrag alert, when searching for an image of my new BCBG Jasper Skinnys I found a photo of Gwyneth Paltrow wearing the same brand (although in white). Sisters for life.



I also got a colour-blocked, pencil skirt that was on sale for a ridiculous amount:


I love.

Beyond the Rack isn’t paying me to say nice things, although they are giving me $10 off my purchases if I invite my friends! Go forth and click this link, lovelies! Shop with me!

WTF Kristen Bell’s Wardrobe Stylist?

I really love House of Lies. You already know this. What I don’t love is the outfits they are forcing Kristen Bell’s character to wear this season.




She’s supposed to be an account director, not a funeral director in North Dakota (nothing against North Dakota, I hear it’s lovely).



I believe Samantha wore this is season two of SATC which would make the outfit approximately 50 years old according to my math.


Shoes are great though...

Shoes are great though…


And this is what they put the beautiful, sexy Kristen Bell in for the “evening wear” segment.

Cameo on Downton Abbey?

Cameo on Downton Abbey?


It’s like she just ripped that shit right off Lea Michelle at the Golden Globes.

I’m just waiting anxiously for the episode with T.I.

Be still my cougar heart.

Be still my cougar heart.



Crappy Pop Video of the Week

It’s been a while since I’ve been so passionate about a crappy pop song. I waited to post this because I wanted to be sure it wasn’t a passing fancy. It’s not. I enjoy the Pitbull.

Click here to view the embedded video.




Alderney Ferry Terminal Renovations, Impact to Passenger Waiting Area

Weekend Wrap-up: Jan 25-26, 2014