Achievement Unlocked – #ThinnerThursday

Setting goals frightens me.

It is always exceptionally easy to want to do something. It is even easier to dream about doing something. As soon as it becomes a goal though, especially a verbalized goal, the plan turns into a foreboding possibility of failure. As soon as a dream transforms into a goal, it will either be accomplished or not. And when it is not? It sure does feel a lot like failure.

And that is scary.

So more often than not, I avoid making goals. I avoid disappointing myself and making a fool of myself in front of others. I avoid even trying because then I know I won’t fail.


But without trying – without failing – I will never succeed either.

That might just be even scarier.

So, I made a goal. I made a goal with fear in my heart and concern that this might just lead to failure. But, I also made this goal feeling motivated. Screw failure! This goal? I wasn’t going to fail at. This goal? Would be accomplished.

Even if I couldn’t picture myself doing it – I would get there. Eventually.

I would run 5K. I would race 5K.

I started the summer off with nothing but an iPhone app, a set of headphones, the Glee soundtrack and a pair of sneakers. I ran for a minute at a time. Each time I ran, I knew my goal was becoming reality. Each step I took was getting me closer.

I wasn’t sure if I could do it. I didn’t know if I’d ever manage to run a five kilometre race. But I knew I could run a few times a week. I knew I could start off slow and work my way up. I knew I could run that night’s running program. My goal of running a 5K race transformed into a series of mini daily goals. I might not have been able to run for 5 kms yet, but I sure could run for one minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes…

I just kept going.

Until Sunday.

On Sunday, I stood among hundreds of other people. On Sunday, I waited or the blast. On Sunday, I ran my heart out under the mid-morning sun.

On Sunday, I finished a 5K race.

On Sunday, I achieved my goal.

Now, I just have to run a 10K. And a half marathon.

(For the record, I’m not quite ready to turn a full marathon from a dream into a goal just yet…)

Race: Support the Troops Navy 10K, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Distance: 5 km
Time: 30 minutes, 34 seconds
Pace: 6 minutes, 7 seconds per km
Place: 74/188


And now, it is your turn. I would love to connect with you on your healthy living journey. You can talk about whatever you want – your milestones, goals attained (or not), losing weight, eating better, exercising, or other healthy lifestyle changes and choices.

Link up below and be sure to include a link back here on your blog so that others can connect as well. Read and comment on each other’s posts. Grab the button.

If you are on Twitter, post a link to your blog with the hashtag #ThinnerThursday and I’ll retweet. I can’t wait to read about your Thinner Thursday.

Let’s encourage one another on to living healthier lives!




Background Noise. Episode 100 broadcasting tonight.