
Hooray! You made it! Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

Announcement posted on miraclesofamily.blogspot.com:

I love this blog. I really really do. So many bloggers express the importance of being on WordPress(.org) – of even starting on WordPress(.org) but I vehemently disagree. Blogger is familiar. It is user-friendly and it is customizable. I have used WordPress(.org) on a few other occasions and I simply don’t like it as much.

But, like children, blogs do grow up. They expand and they transform until they reach the bounds of what they can do at home. They must go out and explore. They must leave in order to become fully realized.

And so, it is with a slightly heavy, but mostly overjoyed heart today that I announce I am no longer here. My blog has found itself a new, a bigger, and a more individualized home. And I would love for you to come see.

My friend Courtney, who you have hopefully already been introduced to, is the unbelievably talented girl behind Amplified Designs. I am so lucky to have such an incredible bloggie bestie who offered to help me allow my blog to grow up. When you move over with us, it will be her gorgeous work that you see. So, be sure that you tell us how awesome it is!

Miraclesofamily.blogspot.com is an empty-nester. Please make sure your feeds and your subscriptions have moved over with us – there is absolutely no way I want to leave you, my readers. I want you to grow with me and I am so excited to see where we will go, together.So, say your goodbyes. Feel nostalgic as one does about an old home. But let’s move. Let’s grow. Let’s go together…


See you there!


So, What do you think?!


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MommysMiracle/~3/uGJafAMpaE8/welcome.html

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