All Aboard The Kingfisher Line

Date: 2013.04.05 | Category: HRM, Opinions | Tags:

Wouldn’t this be nice

The Mighty Kingfisher Line

Servicing Downtown Halifax to Windsor Junction


see it on a map here
Carmichael would be part of the Cogswell rebuild and the main downtown station
Seaport would open towards the Market

Saint Marys


Mumford would connect with LINK buses heading to Southern Suburbs also a good location for Park and Ride

The Mount

Rockingstone various lands around there ideal for Park and Ride

Larry Uteck

Mill Cove another opportunity for Park and Ride

Sunnyside could be integrated with back side of the Mall and further Parkade Built

Bedford Commons great location for Park and Ride and short Bus Routes to service Sackville

Windsor Junction another great opportunity for Park and Ride for Fall River, and run airport services from

for the most part these could be simple platforms and all these stops use the existing rail cut


All Aboard The Kingfisher Line


Weekend Wrap-up: April 6-7, 2013

2012 BMO Winterset Award

2012 BMO Winterset Award