And Just Like That….

True motivation has returned! So, I’m through roughly half a week of being back on track and it’s actually been easy.    Writing out my eats by hand is working wonders, plus it’s nice to pull out my tracker and see this:

My goal this week is to simply Stay Focused On The Plan.

I feel like I’ve finally got this again!  I’ve been busy with the part time social media work too, but I’ve still managed to get in some cardio every day.  The proof is all right here.

It’s amazing what being on track does for you mentally.  I feel happy and energized.

I’ve also heard from a bunch of fellow bloggers who have jumped back on the meetings bandwagon this week and am so inspired by that too.  Ang made a blogroll devoted to those people and I’m thinking I’ll do the same.

If you’ve jumped back on the WW Meeeting bandwagon, please leave me a comment so that I can add your blog to my list and check in on a regular basis! 

Supporting each other is key and I thank each and every one of you for being there for me! 🙂

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