Baby Mama Blogroll Call!

WOW you guys, I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how completely touched and floored I was at your response and well wishes for my big news!  WOW!!!
That made me feel like a huge “welcome back” too!  I was sharing your comments with the husband because they are all so special to me and they were for him as well. 🙂
To update you a little bit on how the pregnancy has been going, I must admit I am extremely happy to be entering the second trimester because the first one was a rough one for me.  I was miserable the entire time!  Here’s some of what I’ve been experiencing:

  • nausea
  • indigestion
  • acid reflux/heart burn
  • headaches
  • mood swings
  • gas
  • did I mention nausea?
  • food aversions
  • food cravings
  • thirst
  • frequent urination primarily when I’m supposed to be sleeping!

I’m even sporting a “bloaty bump” which is my term for what is happening to my belly at this early stage.  It’s definitely protruding, but it’s not really the baby!  In fact it just looks like a big unflattering muffin top that does not make me feel great I’ll tell ya that!  I’ve already gained about 6 lbs.
Exercise up to this point has been non-existent other than little walks with the pup.  Sooooo I’m all excited that tomorrow is the first night of an 8 week pre-natal yoga class that I signed up for!  It’s starting at the perfect time just as I’m starting to feel better.
prenatal yoga 2
Has anyone tried pre-natal yoga before?  If so, what level were you before starting it?  I love yoga, but haven’t practiced in months, so I’m rusty!

Calling Baby Mama Bloggers!

I chuckled at Jaime’s reference to me on her earlier blog today! lol  My new blog should be up and ready hopefully really soon (I’M SOO EXCITED ABOUT IT) and I want to include a new page for a blogroll of baby mama bloggers too!  A few of you mentioned in the comments on my last post that you are also expecting too!  Congratulations to you!  If you have a pregnancy blog or a baby blog and would like to be added to my Baby Mama Blogroll, please leave me a comment with your blog and I’d love to add it!  And I would welcome any suggestions of other blogs that you would recommend also be added too the blog roll.
What are your favourite websites?
Bring on the Baby Mama Bloggies! 🙂

Some Things Just Can’t Go Digital

Video: Patrice Cormier Discussion