BRA informing residents of public meeting

The Bedford Residents Association has issued this notice: The North West Planning Advisory Committee and HRM Planning Staff will be holding a public meeting on Thursday, May 17, 2012, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Basinview Drive Community School (Cafeteria), 273 Basinview Drive, Bedford, NS, to discuss the following application: Case No. 17489 – Application by Genivar Inc., on behalf of Bill Fenton, to amend the Bedford Municipal Planning Strategy to consider development of two multiple unit dwellings, each consisting of 24 units, at 82, 88 and 92 Dartmouth Road, Bedford. The purpose of the meeting is to receive feedback regarding the above-noted application. The applicant will be present to discuss the proposal. Planning staff will be present to discuss the process and the application with respect to the provisions of the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law for Bedford. The meeting is open to anyone who wishes to attend to seek information about the proposal and/or express any comments which they may have. A copy of the initial report is available upon request by contacting Planning Applications at 869-4260. Alternatively, the report can be viewed at the following website address:

The Bedford Residents Association has issued this notice:

The North West Planning Advisory Committee and HRM Planning Staff will be holding a public meeting on Thursday, May 17, 2012, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Basinview Drive Community School (Cafeteria), 273 Basinview Drive, Bedford, NS, to discuss the following application:

Case No. 17489 – Application by Genivar Inc., on behalf of Bill Fenton, to amend the Bedford Municipal Planning Strategy to consider development of two multiple unit dwellings, each consisting of 24 units, at 82, 88 and 92 Dartmouth Road, Bedford.

The purpose of the meeting is to receive feedback regarding the above-noted application. The applicant will be present to discuss the proposal. Planning staff will be present to discuss the process and the application with respect to the provisions of the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law for Bedford.

The meeting is open to anyone who wishes to attend to seek information about the proposal and/or express any comments which they may have.

A copy of the initial report is available upon request by contacting Planning Applications at 869-4260. Alternatively, the report can be viewed at the following website address:


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