Changes coming to Capital Health Tim Hortons outlets

  Release: Capital Health is taking another major step to make the food we sell in our institutions more healthy and nutritious. Beginning in October, baked goods such as doughnuts and those muffins that do not meet Capital Health’s healthy food guidelines will no longer be sold at Tim Hortons franchises operated by Compass group for Capital Health.


Capital Health is taking another major step to make the food we sell in our institutions more healthy and nutritious. Beginning in October, baked goods such as doughnuts and those muffins that do not meet Capital Health’s healthy food guidelines will no longer be sold at Tim Hortons franchises operated by Compass group for Capital Health.
“Capital Health has a duty to be a leader in our community on health and health issues,” said Amanda Whitewood, Vice-President, Sustainability. “One way we are working to improve the health of our community is by making healthier choices the easier ones in the food we sell to the staff, patients, families and visitors that use the restaurants in our facilities day in and day out.”
Our efforts began in September 2009, when we removed deep fryers from our hospital cafeterias. This followed consultation with citizens in our community who told us we needed make the food available in our restaurants much healthier. Since then there have been many changes to the restaurant menus and the products available in our retail stores.
Tim Hortons is a part of the culture and the community in Nova Scotia. Capital Health was the first health care organization in Canada to bring Tim Hortons franchises into hospitals and will also be the first to change the menu this way and continue the relationship with a focus on the healthiest choices.
We have appreciated the support of Tim Hortons as we make this transition.

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