Government approved the next phase today, Jan. 15, for seven new Community Feed-In Tariff (COMFIT) projects to produce local renewable electricity.
Government also announced its plans to pause and evaluate the COMFIT program to ensure it continues to be community-based, innovative and contributes to the province’s future energy needs.
Over 90 COMFIT projects have been approved. New applications will not be processed pending the program review and the release of the electricity plan next fall.
COMFIT provides eligible groups an established price per kilowatt hour (kWh) for projects producing electricity from renewable resources such as wind, biomass, in-stream tidal and run-of-the-river tidal developments. Eligible groups include municipalities, First Nations, universities, co-operatives and not-for-profit organizations.
“COMFIT plays an important role in helping Nova Scotia achieve its renewable energy targets,” said acting Energy Minister Michel Samson. “The program has been successful and will likely exceed its original goal to produce almost 100 megawatts of locally produced energy.”
“It’s now time to review the program and ensure it continues to deliver on its original intent of supporting community-based and community-owned renewable electricity projects.”
Applications received before today’s announcement will continue to be processed and decisions will be made in the coming months.
Projects announced today are:
— A 3.2 MW biomass project near Bridgewater (Dave Stewart and Associates)
— A 0.6 MW biomass project in Hardwood (Grant Holdings)
— A 0.5 MW biomass project in Tracadie (TE Boyle Farm and Forestry Limited)
— A 1.5 MW biomass project in Bible Hill (Dalhousie University)
— A 0.05 MW wind project in Barrington (Municipality of Barrington)
— A 0.5 MW biomass project in Port Hood (Fire Blade Holsteins)
— A 0.5 MW biomass project in Antigonish (Afton Hills Farm Limited)
Government supports diversifying the province’s energy mix to include more renewable electricity sources.
The COMFIT program will help the province reach its renewable electricity targets of 25 per cent renewable electricity by 2015 and 40 per cent by 2020.
Source: Release