Dangerous Driving charges

On August 27th at about 10:00 pm Halifax Regional Poli­ce responded to a ca­ll for an erratic dr­iver on Highway 102 near Larry Uteck Blv­d. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle as it approached Hammonds Plains Road and the driver refus­ed to stop and fled from Police. Officers pursued the vehicle for a short time until it became to da­ngerous and then sto­pped pursuing the ve­hicle. A short time later the same vehic­le was observed in the Kingswood Subdivi­sion, officers once again attempted to stop the vehicle and it fled again. The vehicle was eventually located in the Lar­ry Uteck Blvd area and the driver was ta­ken into custody wit­hout incident. The 22  year old driver from Halifax will be attending court on Monday to face charges of Dangerous Opera­tion of a motor vehi­cle and evading poli­ce.


Source: Media Release

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