Electricity System Review Begins

For first time in more than 10 years, government is doing a comprehensive review of the province's electricity system.Over the next 12 months, Nova Scotians and key industry members will be invited to comment on the province's electricity future.

For first time in more than 10 years, government is doing a comprehensive review of the province’s electricity system.

Over the next 12 months, Nova Scotians and key industry members will be invited to comment on the province’s electricity future.

“Our commitment to developing energy policy puts ratepayers first,” said Energy Minister Andrew Younger. “As our province moves toward cleaner and more innovative energy sources, we want to have an open and frank conversation about Nova Scotia’s electricity future.”

The Electricity Reform Act passed by the government in the fall calls for an electricity system review in three areas:
— emerging technologies that impact demand and supply
— market trends that help stabilize electricity prices
— emerging trends in the oversight and delivery of electricity generation and transmission systems

Requests for proposals for technical expertise will be issued by the end of this week, and the department is now seeking feedback on the scope of the public consultation and technical needs.

The two-phase review will look at technical factors and expert views on identifying future opportunities.

The second phase will be broad public consultation on future electricity policy. The consultation will be based on input from Nova Scotians and information from the first phase of the review.

“I look forward to engaging Nova Scotians and hearing more about their views on our electricity system,” said Mr. Younger. “I have already been invited to visit various communities and organizations to discuss our future electricity market. There will be many ways to participate through online forums, written submissions and public meetings, so I hope ratepayers will take the opportunity to get involved in this review.”

Comments for the scope of the review can be e-mailed to electricityreview@gov.ns.ca, submitted online at www.novascotia.ca/electricityfuture, or mailed to Nova Scotia’s Electricity Future, P.O. Box 2664, Halifax, N.S., B3J 3P7.

The deadline for comment is Feb. 7. A report summarizing consultation findings is to be released in spring 2015.

More information about Nova Scotia’s electricity review can be found at www.novascotia.ca/electricityfuture.

Source: Release

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