Et tu, Michelle?

AllyG: Noooooooooooo. Apparently Michelle Obama has fallen victim to the over-the-knee boot. I know many of you actually like this trend (I’m looking at you, Eden), but I can’t get down with it. If I wore them, I would feel like I was trying too hard. I always try too hard, but I don’t want to look like I am trying too hard…y’know?

I heard this gossip at Fantastic Toe dot com. They claim that the Obams bought a pair of Robert Clergerie over-the-knee boots.


I’ll have to wait and see what she pairs it with. Think she’ll wear them in public? If her shorts caused a furor this summer, ‘magine the scandal the boots will bring? Loves it!

In other news, I think SJP needs to read our blog post about mini-dresses.


Now, y’all know I love, love SJP, but this is too much. Even for me (need I remind you that I liked the argyle sock outfit? I can’t repost the picture or L-A will defriend me on Facebook. She will. Swears.) The above outfit looks straight out of an episode of Cathouse (Talk about bad fashion, you should see what these Ladies of the Brothel wear in the “line-up”. They need a visit from Stacey and Clinton. Stat.).

And, HORRORS, SJP fell out of her dress. This is what happens when you do not listen to us, people!

That’s all for me tonight. I’m a tad tired. We had our first night out last night. I got to wear a fab new purple top, AND, I fit into my skinny jeans! By “fit” I mean I laid down on the bed in order to button them up, but whatevs. Point is, they were worn outside of the house and the button did not pop off. Yay me!

L-A: I think that SJP has taught us all a valuable lesson in gravity vs. your wee little dress. In case you missed the lesson, it is: no matter how cute your dress is, gravity is probably going to win if it’s too tiny.  Example:


Seriously? I promise you that one or two extra inches on your dress will always look nicer than hauling your top up or feeling your ass to make sure your dress is still there.

I’m going to withhold judgment on  Michelle Obama’s boots – I’ll wait until I see them before saying I hate them. But I generally am not a fan, so I probably won’t like them.  Even if I did like them on her, the scary thing is – the minute she wears them in public, just about every woman in the free world will be killing herself to get her hands on a pair. If the Obamas can practically crash the J. Crew site during inauguration over gloves and the girls’ coats, then you know what’s going to happen with the over the knee boot. Which means we’ll have to endure it and that means we’ll complain to you guys about how much we hate the look. Consider yourself warned.

From The Writer’s Notebook: Fucking Brick Wall

Blog: $800 Raised for Movember