L-A: We got a question from the Twitter about the faux-hawk and a suit and how did we feel about it.
Honestly, I can’t say that I had ever given it much thought. It’s not like you see a lot of Halifax dudes sporting such a look. As a matter of fact, and perhaps I’ve been spending too much time out in the deepest, darkest parts of Dartmouth, but I can’t say I see a lot of dudes in suits that even makes me think. Usually the suits I see around town bore me.
Anyway, I asked the Twitter what it thought because I didn’t have an answer (Twitter is handy like that). I’ll leave it up to you to judge what the Twitter had to say.
A faux-hawk and suit is okay if you’re all smouldery and British:
But not okay if you’re greasy and from Jersey:
And now for a poll with bad puns!
(if by chance you are the fellow who has been spotted with said faux-hawk and wears a suit in an elevator somewhere in this city and you happen to be reading this, maybe you can weigh in on your hair choices).
p.s. yes, I did just phone this one in. On the bright side, I’m only four weeks away from finishing school and starting an awesome workterm and then six weeks away from being in the market for a big girl job. Hopefully, posts will be less lame when I get back into the real world. In the meantime, read three word fashion reviews by someone infinitely more clever than I am: Auntie Fashion. Her reviews range from: “Point and laugh” to “Some remarkable craftsmanship.” Reading those reviews was like going down a rabbit hole of awesomeness. She does in three words what I can’t in three paragraphs.
Anyway, in honour of phoning it in, here’s Mr. McCain. We really should get him a theme song:
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Source: http://fashionablethings.com/2011/03/30/faux-hawk-suits-faux-pas/