
Favourite Friday – the April 22nd edition: kittens, rainbows and pop tarts

L-A: I finished classes this week! It’s a pretty swell feeling. Something along the lines of this:

poptart kittens rainbow unicorn

That’s right. A hot mess of kittens and rainbows and pop tarts (cherry are the best).

Believe it or not, I used some of the skillz I learned in school to create that sucker. Erin would either be super proud or super ashamed of how I’ve used the mask thingy to work photoshop magic on kittens and pop tarts.

I’m not even sure what to do with myself these days. I’m kind of excited, kind of lonely. You spend eight months with the same 30 people and then one day you don’t. Weird.

Anyway. This should mean more time for FPQT. Which means more time to plan a birthday party.

In other favourites, I’m still on the lookout for this dress:

Seriously folks. If you see this in a large at your local Joe Fresh, do not hesitate to email us. I have a paypal account and I’m not afraid to use it. Or, if the Easter Bunny is real, he should totally get on this. Because I’m dreaming of that dress.

Another favourite is the upcoming Halifax Crafters market:

This will be the first show in a few years where I’m not selling anything. I’m not getting out of the monkey business, but I didn’t have the time to make anything. So I’ll be there hanging out and probably spending money. Hard not to. Fun new spring accessories? Yes please. And don’t forget one of Ally’s favourite t-shirts came from a Crafters show.

While I’m over at the Olympic Centre, Ally has plans to check out the WagJag block party at the Paragon. It’ll be Hugh’s first visit to a bar, so it’s a big day. Full disclosure: the folks at WagJag offered us a chance to try out their service on the house. And it was hard to say no to the offer when this deal came up:

Cocktails are like my kryptonite, so I couldn’t pass up the chance to own a turquoise flower cocktail ring.

One final thing: we were asked if we’d mention the Fresh Air Fund. It’s not our usual thing, but honestly, it was hard to say no. Give kids from New York City a chance to spend their summer hanging out in places like Nova Scotia? Seems like an awesome idea to me. I was fortunate enough to have access to a cottage in the summers when I was growing up, so I don’t really know what it’d be like not to have that. Anyway, the Fresh Air Fund is looking for host families to take on kids for two weeks during the summer. Maybe it’s something you or someone you know would be interested in (my apartment in metro Halifax would be a lousy trade for any urban kid).

So that’s it for me. Enjoy your long weekend, whatever it is your doing/celebrating. I’ll leave it to Ally to find you a crappy pop video.

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