Favourite Friday – The Long Weekend Edition (June 28)

L-A: Hello friends! I’m back from vacation and totally getting my shit together. There is way less cardboard exisiting in my life (although, still quite a lot – but significantly less) and I’m buying furniture that will hold things, which means even more unpacking.

I also found my cutlery yesterday, which, while this doesn’t sound exciting, it actually is. It’s the little things, my friends.

Let’s talk about things I love this week:

1. That moment when you score the dress you thought was gone

Remember when I complained I missed out on that dress? Yeah. I have it. And got it only days before heading out on my vacation. Do you know what that feeling is when you get the dress you thought was gone? It’s quite literally this:

Click here to view the embedded video.

It pays to hit refresh on a sold out item. Daily. Possibly more than daily.

2. Two words: Anthropologie. Sale.

Can I just move on in and make this my life?

Can I just move on in and make this my life?

And I was there in person. That store is like a dream come true. The only reason I’m not there now is that I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to be a squatter in an Anthropologie store.

However, I did score some good deals (knit dress for $19.99…whaaaaat?) and this for $30:



Can we just take a moment and soak in the lack of stripes on that t-shirt? I feel like I’m growing as a person.

3. Baseball!! 

This is an odd favourite, because I don’t particularly like or  understand baseball, but I’ve declared the LA Dodgers to be my team (because, you know, hat and t-shirt with my name on it) and I got to see them live in San Diego.

FPQT - goes to the ballgame

Cracker Jacks at ballgames = totally a thing!

Live baseball is way more fun than TV baseball. I learned the seventh inning stretch is literally a chance for people to get up and stretch (and sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”. I shit you not). It was a little demoralizing to have 30,000 people chant, “Beat LA”, but I survived (I prefer hearing the news when the LA Kings are winning the hockey. “LA is a winner! LA can take it all!”). Although, because I don’t understand, I would sometimes clap and then realize it wasn’t good for my team and I shouldn’t be clapping. Oops. #Sportsfanfail.

4. I would like this to be happening right now instead of rain in Ontario:

FPQT-poolside-palm springs

Quite possibly my favourite place on earth

I was down to see the parents become Americans – just in time for them to celebrate both Canada Day AND the Fourth of July. Good job, parents!! And possibly there (just a little bit) to soak in a whole lot of sunshine in dry heat with easy access to a pool and avocados. I promise to one day take Ally with me.

5. Hilary Clinton’s Twitter Bio

It’s because of this that I’ve declared the former Secretary of State to be one of my Pretend BFFs:




The image used? Hair icon? Pantsuit aficionado? Yes. All the yeses. I’m sure her social media person did all of this, but she okay’ed it, so she’s rad. We’d never work as Real BFFs. She’d be all, “so I was trying to create peace in the Middle East this one time. And verbally bitchslapped some folks in a Congressional Hearing. And you know what, I might run for President of a country again” and I’d be all, “so I totally woke up with Taylor Swift in my head and then my stupid Internet wouldn’t work while I tried to use Facebook and look for kitten videos.” But we’re excellent Pretend BFFs.

6. Why am I listening to so much Taylor Swift lately? 

Like, really. Why? I’ve woken up with her songs in my head. Especially this one.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Send help.

(p.s. Can you just imagine the melodramatic Taylor Swift video she’d make for this?? Someone get the girl an old truck and some sunbursts).

7. Long weekends

Because four days off gives me all of these feelings:




penny dance


Finally: Walk into your Canada Day long weekend like this…

Click here to view the embedded video.

Weekend Wrap-up: June 28 to July 1st, 2013

Canada Day

What to Wear on Canada Day