Favourite Fridays – November 27 edition: soaps, peepshow, beaujolais nouveau

L-A: Can we talk about James Franco on General Hospital?

Yep. That’s my favourite thing of the week. He plays a mysterious artist named Franco. Yes!  The very idea of James Franco + Sonny Corinthos (no idea what the actors name is) almost makes me wish I 18 again and watching this with the girls in the Tully TV lounge.  Actually, it almost makes me wish I could sit at home in my jammies with bon bons and watch James Franco on a soap opera right now. Why is he even on it? I have no idea. I still love it.  Almost fashion related as the character Maxie (I used to watch when the character was under 10) is a “fashion expert”.  Not sure what kind of expert, maybe in all things fashion. (Just for this ridculosity, I might have to make James Franco one of the pretend boyfriends).

Not a favourite, and will probably get it’s own ranty post later: Peepshow Girly Boutique is closing!!

Whaaat? I’m hoping it was an error – the ShopTalk story is gone…so maybe it was a cruel November Fool’s joke?  If it’s true, I’ll be annoyed. Why?  Because like I’ve said a million times before, we need more shopping downtown. I want to buy clothes downtown, not at the mall (I especially want to avoid the mall as we hit the Christmas season). Maybe this weekend we can all go out and buy something pretty to wear from a downtown/non-mall store. Just to let those stores know they are awesome. It’ll be like giving the store owners a hug, but without the weirdness/creepiness of hugging a stranger.

Some suggestions:

Clothing: Love, Me, Sweet Pea, Pretty Things, Off the Hanger, Foreign Affair, Wildflower

Shoes: John David, Comfort Zone, Kick Ass Shoes, Winsby’s

I’m sure I’m forgetting someone, so use the comment space to tell me who you want to shop from. Oooh, actually, this is a good time to plug The Coast’s Shop Local Contest. It is awesome. I won $500 in gift certificates last year.  And if you’re not from Halifax, you should still go shop local this weekend. Maybe our American friends can hit up non-box stores for Black Friday.

Also – we need your shoes for Monday’s shoe porn! go join our flickr group and upload shoes. You’ll get to see your shoes on the internet and it will be awesome!



Hi. I love you. I love you all lots. You know what I love more? Beaujolais Nouveau.

Sorry, readers, mommy had a long, long day. Included an incident with me driving around with my fabulous Coach wallet on top of the car. I kid you effing not. I took the kid Christmas shopping and he had a massive shit parade. Literally. Then, when we were being placed in our car seat to pick El Jeffe up from work, we decided a screaming fit was entirely necessary. I was trying desperately to shove “binky” aka his pacifier in his mouthto no avail. I finally gave up and decided we would have to drive with him screaming all the way to EJ’s work. A block later I have a car behind me honking madly and a woman who I believe at the time to be out-of-her-ever-loving-mind waving madly at me. She motions for me to roll down the window. Once I do, she shakes her head, looks at me like I am a COMPLETE IDIOT and says, “you’re PURSE is on top of your CAR”. First off, bitch, it’s my fabulous wallet not a purse! Secondly (is that even a word? I don’t even care), you try remembering where you put your wallet when you have a screaming child to fasten into a car. It was sweet of her nevertheless.

Sooooooo…I realize this is not my mommy blog. Quick plug! But, my point is that I am taking the night off to drink a massive glass/bowl of Beaujolais Nouveau with El Jeffe and watch an Ep of Six Feet Under. BabyG has just gone down for the night (aka he will be up in ten minutes crying and will finally go down after a few more attempts) and I feel like I am in desperate need of recharging. I realize I have written nothing fashion related but please know I have much to say and will write tons this weekend. Trust. I promise to leave Ben Mulroney out of it.

Don’t worry, I would never forget the crappy video of the week. This one is from some kid named Justin Bieber. I don’t get it. Seriously. And that’s saying something. What’s Usher doing in this video?

Let’s hope it is only “One Time” that you make a video. Ha! I haven’t even started drinking yet!

Gawd, I seriously hope L-A doesn’t kick me off the blog for this ridiculous excuse for a post. I have literally not talked about fashion AT ALL. Hmm, would it help if I posted a pic of my Coach wallet? And it’s totes real too! I got it from one of my good friends on my 30th b-day!

Hanging with my friends….

Muscular Fiction