Getting A Few Things Off My Chest

I think I am allergic to either my kitty kats or glade plug ins.  I am wide awake at 245pm because I’m wheezy and can’t sleep. Grr, at least it’s Friday though, only one work day left!

A fresh start is right around the corner for me and I couldn’t be more excited! Some of you are probably wondering why this “fresh start” can’t happen now, why I am waiting until a certain date/time.  I can’t tell you at this moment why, but you will understand soon enough!  I predict this being a life changing experience; one that helps kick this last leg of my weight loss journey into overdrive! 

I feel that in the past several months I have disappointed myself and my readers because this blog is supposed to be about weight loss, healthy eating, exercise and I haven’t exactly been getting very good results. 

I am not one of those people that pretends to have the perfect life online. I’ve missed plenty of workouts and indulged in more than my fair share of treats.  You may have noticed that I’ve cleaned up my blog roll.  One of the main reasons (other than cleaning out the people who haven’t blogged for awhile) was that I got tired of reading about all the people out there who have the “perfect life.”  For the most part, I just get discouraged reading about them running 10M a day, eating no junk food, getting half their groceries for free all the while managing to look like a model.  That is so unrealistic, at least to this girl. 

So yeah, I’m really not feeling what blogland has become and haven’t been inspired to write at all.  For me, the whole point of blogging was to develop a support system.  Recently a few of my friends have gotten some nasty comments, from Anonymous sources of course.  Accusing them of trying to be like certain US bloggers and accusing them of dissing other bloggers.  What gives?  Many of these girls have been blogging for the past 3-4 years. They have developed their own styles and all of the sudden they are not worthy?  I don’t think so.

I really do want to thank everyone who supports me and the blog. It does honestly mean the world to me, knowing that I have people here to listen and encourage me.  What I’ve accomplished over the past few years would not have been possible with out you.  Thanks for not giving up on me. :)   I promise you will see some inspiration again quite shortly!

Hope all this made sense.  And to be clear this was not an attack to anyone or any blog, just my feelings on blogland in general.

Friday Favourites – October 30 edition: music L-A likes and Halloween

pistol and rifles

Halifax launches Pixels for Pistols Gun Amnesty Program