Graphic Novels – reading suggestions

Halifax Public Libraries will hosting a Graphic Novel Camp later this month, which got me thinking about my own experiences with adult graphic novels (graphica?)

I ‘ll admit that I haven’t been a big reader of graphic novels. I have only read a few titles in the last year or so. Having said that, I’m not sure why I don’t read more graphic novels because I thoroughly enjoyed the ones that I have read. (listed below)

Wimbledon Green: the greatest comic book collector in the world, by Seth

Freddie and Me: a coming of age (Bohemian) rhapsody, by Mike Dawson

Bookhunter, by Jason Shiga

Perhaps it is because there are so many titles from which to choose?

Neal Wyatt, a readers’ advisor extraordinaire, recently published an article in Library Journal, providing list of classic graphic novels that should serve as a good introduction to the world of adult graphic novels.

Here is Neal’s list:

From Hell, by Alan Moore

Black Hole, by Charles Burns

Fun Home: a family tragicomic, by Alison Bechdel

Asterios Polyp, by David Mazzucchelli

Berlin: city of stones, by Jason Lutes

The Left Bank Gang, by Jason

John Campbell of the Dalhousie Tigers

Jenna MacNeil: East Coast by choice