The Department of Environment is issuing an approval to two 1.6 megawatt turbines at the Greenfield Wind Farm in Greenfield, Colchester County.
The approval follows the successful completion of the Environmental Assessment process.
Minister of Environment Randy Delorey recognizes public concerns were expressed about the project but is satisfied they can be addressed with the strict terms and conditions of the approval.
“The process is thorough and carefully reviews possible impacts on the health of residents, wildlife and the environment,” said Mr. Delorey. “I am confident the approval balances residents’ concerns with the need for creating more renewable energy sources in our province.”
Terms and conditions in the approval include the province’s ability to request noise and shadow flicker monitoring at any time. The proponent must also develop a complaint resolution plan to address any community concerns that may arise.
Wind power projects are reviewed by federal and provincial experts for potential environmental and health effects. The Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq community and public are also invited to provide feedback during a formal 30 day comment period in the Environmental Assessment process.
For more information on theprocess, and for a list of projects being reviewed in Nova Scotia, visit .
Source: Release