Happy Yanksgiving!

Here in Canada, we celebrate Thanksgiving in October. You know, when the leaves are still beautiful and on the trees, and you want pumpkin lattes instead of gingerbread. But hey – I’m not judging! Americans celebrating Thanksgiving in November just means that we get to celebrate a second time.

OK, the gluttons among us get to celebrate a second time.

After all, Thanksgiving offers up some of the best special TV episodes ever. Which is why this Saturday, some friends and I will be celebrating “Yanksgiving”. We’ll eat, watch TV, ignore that weird Pilgrims/Native messiness that y’all have going on down there, and eat some more. Here’s the TV menu for the night:

yanksgivingSo Happy Thanksgiving, guys! Hope none of you get slapped.

Arichat Land Registry Office Closed

Grand Opening Event for the new Bedford-Hammonds Plains Community Centre