Hibernia Atlantic Cable Installation set to Begin

The Cable Ship Decisive is due to arrive at anchor today, Signalling the beginning of construction of the Hibernia Express Cable. Decisive has a costing trade license to do prework, including route clearance, before resolute comes to Lay the cable.

The Cable Ship Decisive is due to arrive at anchor today, Signalling the beginning of construction of the Hibernia Express Cable. Decisive has a costing trade license to do prework, including route clearance, before resolute comes to Lay the cable.

The General Cargo vessel Ocean Crescent Loaded cable handling equipment in February, and will presumably bring the cable back to Halifax, where it will be loaded aboard the Resolute for laying.

Hibernia Atlantic has a landing station in Herring Cove.

Photos to Follow.

Provincial Government Offices Reopen

Overnight Parking Ban will continue to be enforced Tuesday, March 17