
How Ally got her Groove Back

Ally: I’m going to be honest with you. Lately, I’ve been wondering what I could possibly be bringing to this site. That which we call a fashion blog. Many of you might have been asking that since our very first post. Fair game. More so recently, it has been ringing true.

With the sickness, the work and the general exhaustion I have been feeling more Miranda Hobbs circa early 2000s than Carrie Bradshaw. Let us all take a moment to thank Neighbourhood Bestie Melissa for helping Ally to get her groove back.

It was a rainy night in August, ok it was last night, that Mel took me to Mic Mac Mall. She arrived at the door dressed to the nines (yes, I’m that old) to pick me up. Cut to me wearing a Frenchys purchased pair of Gap jeans (actually quite nice) and a football jersey inspired Abercrombie long sleeve t-shirt. Hair (roots included) piled into a top-knot. Always classy, Mel decided I could still get into her car with the story that I was her cousin from Nebraska who had never set foot out of the corn fields.

As we wandered around The Mall (which I like to call it) I wasn’t feeling it. Not even in H&M even though I dropped some cash. Then, my friends, then… I walked into what can only be deemed Heaven on Earth. Halifax’s own BCBG  Max Azria. My savings account will never be the same.


The "Mandy" Kimono Dress


Neighbourhood Bestie Melissa liked this as well, but basically laid it out that I need to wear it like I own it cause this takes some balls to wear during the work week. Bring it.

I also purchased this lovely…


Practically speaking, I can wear this all year long. I mean c’mon paired with my (faux) leather leggings? Yes.

So, while these dresses were a financial investment. They were a whopping 60 % off, so I couldn’t really argue with fate. With that said, I still threw away the receipt (final sale) and Mel and I ripped off the price tags before departing back home to the suburbs. It might well be my savings account, but El Jeffe knows how to throw the guilt.

On my way out to the mall, I simply had to purchase these booties from Spring.


It literally took me two minutes to walk into the store, spot them, try them on and walk out with them in hand. I cannot wait to wear these. Maybe with my “Mandy” dress? Too much?

So, I’m now inspired wherever I go. Take today for example. I had to go to All About Eyewear in Bedford to get my glasses fixed (I walked out with a new pair, but it doesn’t count because my old pair was on warrenty! I’ve never been so excited about investing in warrenty before!) and I swear to you I was losing my mind over the eyewear selection. Fred (who you seriously have to see if you need a new pair of glasses) took the time to show me the most amazing new eyeglasses from Armani. I’ll save that for another post because work is calling. It’s worth a whole post on its very own.

I’m back, bitches. Speaking of Britney.

L-A: While Ally is getting her groove back, I’m spiraling into a total wardrobe funk. It’s feeling not quite summer, not quite fall and I’m feeling not quite jazzed about my wardrobe these days. I think I’m bored of my summer clothes and in need of a Fall refresher. Like, I need some new sweaters in my life or something. Which, to do that, I really ought to do a good clearing out of my clothes.

I think that’s part of where the funk is coming from: I’m not entirely sure what I have, I hate to part with some of it, but really? Am I wearing it all? Probably not. Okay, I’ll be honest. I’m totally not. But it’s just so hard to say good bye to clothes I once really loved and still think I might love again.

Maybe if I said good bye and freed up some valuable real estate in my closet, I’d be ready for that refresh. Anyone have any tips on how to say so long to stuff? (Also, I fear I may turn into a hoarder. And that would be a bad thing. I once saw an episode where they actually found a mummified cat in her living room. So, being a hoarder would be a bad thing).



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