How To Segment An Orange

how to segment an orangeHow do you eat an orange?  Do you peel it with your fingers or use a knife?  I do both depending on the thickness of the skin but when I want the orange to be the main attraction, segmenting it looks so professional and yet is easy to do.

  Orange slices in a dish adds a splash of color and looks pretty.  To segment an orange all you need is a sharp knife and a firm orange.  Segmenting an orange or other citrus fruit is easy.  It can be a bit awkward the first time round, but after a couple tries, you’ll have the technique down pat.

When selecting oranges, avoid those with soft spots.  Choose oranges that are firm and heavy for their size as these will have a higher juice content than those that are either spongy or lighter in weight.  Oranges can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator and will generally last the same amount of time, two weeks.

orange slices

Orange Slice Collage 2

oranges segmented

The Culinary Chase’s Note:  This technique also works well with grapefruit.  Orange segments are great in salsas, desserts, fruit salads, and savoury dishes.  Enjoy!

The post How To Segment An Orange appeared first on The Culinary Chase.

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