HRM Budget Summary

hrm-logo-smThe 2009/2010 HRM Budget maintains current service levels, responds to growth pressures, and allows for some service improvements. HRM is committed to managing its finances to safeguard the future. The value of the average single family home has increased by 4.3% to $180,000. While property tax rates have not increased, the municipal tax bill on average home has gone from $1,440 to $1,500, an increase of $60.


Community Planning
-Functional plans to be completed for strategic operating and capital investments.
-Community visions for a number of Regional Plan growth centres.
-Implementation of the recommendations in HRMbyDesign.
-Further improvements to development standards and regulation.

Governance & Communication
-Alignment of Committees of Council underway.
-Begin work on a Council District Boundary Review.
-HRM is the source of information on the region’s plans, priorities and growth.

-Continued delivery of more community facilities.
-Improved street and sidewalk conditions.
-Park and playground improvement.

Public Safety
-Implementation of the recommendations in the Mayor’s Roundtable on Violence Report.

-HRM will continue to make improvements to transit.
-There will be a focus on active transportation initiatives.
-Traffic management initiatives to optimize our existing transportation networks.

New System for Transit Tax
Starting with this year’s tax bill the existing transit taxes will be rearranged into two tax rates.
-A “Regional Transportation” Rate (4.5 cents per $100 of assessment) will cover services such as the MetroLink, MetroX and Ferries. The cost for these regional services will be shared by almost all taxpayers.
-Secondly, “Local transit” routes (such as routes 1 through 89 or community transit) will be paid by those who live within a one-km walk of a transit stop. The tax rate will be 8.8 cents per $100 of assessment.

Transit services don’t just benefit those who take the bus. Better transit leads to less traffic congestion, environmental benefits, and helps prevent the need to widen the road network. Maps and other information are available on the HRM website.

For more information on your tax bill or the HRM 2009-2010 Budget, please visit

(902) 490-4000 or 1 (800) 835-6428 (Toll free Nova Scotia Only)
(902) 490-6645-TTY/TDD line (Hearing Impaired):

The call centre hours are seven days a week from 7am to 11pm everyday except New Year’s day and Christmas day.

Summer Camps 2009 – Thanks!

Local surfer Neal Durling in his surfboard repair workshop.

Dinged by Bill?