HRM seeks public’s input on boundary review

Info below taken from HRM website.

HRM is reducing the current number of municipal districts from 23 to 16.

For the next election in October 2012 HRM is required to reduce the number of Districts (and Councillors) in HRM to 16 plus the Mayor.

Your views will help HRM in determining the 16 polling district boundaries.

HRM residents have an opportunity participate on an online survey and provide input on several options for boundary changes.

Due to response, the deadline for the survey has been extended to Friday, October 14th.

View maps of two possible boundary scenarios here:

In Scenario 1, our district would contain 21,454 voters. In Scenario 2 it would contain 22,365. Scenario 1 would also extend the boundaries all the way to Terence Bay and Prospect.

HRM is holding a number of public information meetings to review the proposed polling district boundaries and receive feedback from the public before making the final submission to the NSUARB.

Here are the two sessions closest to us:

Wednesday, September 28th, 7:00 p.m.
Lakeside Fire Hall
26 Myra Road, Timberlea


Wednesday, October 5th
7:00 p.m.
Canada Games Centre Community Boardroom
26 Thomas Raddall Drive, Halifax

For a full listing of meetings, see the HRM website.


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