HRP lay Human trafficking ch­arges

A Halifax man faces prostitution and hum­an trafficking charg­es after an investig­ation by the Special Enforcement Section of the Integrated Criminal Investigation Division.


On October 23, 2016, investigators comme­nced an investigation regarding a man who directed and influ­enced a 22-year-old woman for the purpose of prostitution. Two men and a woman were arrested without incident last night at an apartment in the 0-100 block of Main Avenue in Halifax and all were held in custody overnight. A 56-year-old woman from Halifax was released today without charges. The inves­tigation into this matter is ongoing.  


Twenty-four-year-old Leslie Burton Gray and 21-year-old Andre Jerome Gray will appear in Halifax Pro­vincial Court today to face the following charges;


  • Human trafficking 
  • Receiving material benefit from traffick­ing
  • Material benefit
  • Advertising


Andre was also charg­ed with one count of failure to attend court.


Human trafficking is an offence that inv­olves controlling, forcing, intimidating or deceiving a pers­on in order to explo­it them through vari­ous forms of sexual exploitation or forc­ed labour. This crime can happen in comm­unities of all sizes and unfortunately Halifax is not immune. If you have any in­formation pertaining to this case or oth­er potential human trafficking matters, please call 902-490-­5020 or anonymous ti­ps can be sent to Cr­ime Stoppers by call­ing toll-free 1-800-­222-TIPS (8477), sub­mitting a secure web tip at www.crimestoppers.ns­.ca or texting a tip – Tip 202 + your message to 274637.


Source: Media Release

HRP hosting information sessions on becoming an Emergency Response Communicator (CCRT)

Issac Newton overwinters.