My fellow bloggers can relate, I’m sure. I’m suffering from blogstipation. It’s sort of like writer’s block but I’m not sure if I can legitimately call myself a writer so for now, it’s blogstipation.
It’s been a while since I could produce a simple blog post, I know. But I’ve been busy! Really, I have… I meant to write many times over the last few months but the words just wouldn’t come. I’m sorry, but here we are now.
In my defence, since April I have found out we were moving, got the house ready to put up for sale, went on a vacation, sold the house, started construction on another one (well it’s not me building it but you know that), sold our house, packed it up and put everything in storage, lived in an RV for a month by the beach, packed that up, moved to Halifax, unpacked into a (shitty) rental house, started the kids at two new schools… phew. It’s been a ride.
Let me tell you one thing… building a house is no fun. It’s not something I wanted to do but had to do because, well, I am kind of fussy. And the last two homes we bought were new so there was no going back. Although right now… Anyway, I’ve had to make decisions on siding, trim, roofing, flooring, paint colours, doors, cupboards and more. It’s exhausting. We even had to decide where to place the plugs… um, I don’t know, in the wall?
So that’s what’s been keeping me busy. YOU’D THINK this would spur on my creative juices, give me lots of material for the blog. But no. It stopped me cold in my creative tracks. Until today. I was moaning about my blogstipation with some of my blogging friends and POOF! My mind started racing, my fingers flying over the keyboard… oh and it feels so good to get it all out!
Your mind is gone all filthy now, hasn’t it? Mine too. Sorry for the mental images.
I don’t know why today is different from yesterday when I had 15 ideas of what to blog about but none of them amounted to anything. Maybe it’s my upcoming trip to Blissdom Canada, a social media and blogging conference, that’s got me fired up and feeling the pressure to create some great content for you, my readers.
Whatever it is… I hope it continues because I have a lot to catch you up on. Like last week when my daughter asked the hair stylist for a bobcat cut (aka a bob) and the time when I threw up cleaning the toilet at our ghetto rental house (OK maybe you don’t need to hear about that but it happened) or my current obsession with sudoku puzzles.
I think this breakthrough deserves some wine. Later. After I celebrate my new-found creativity. I hope it lasts at least as long as my blogstipation!
Now, where’s my wine?