in the kitchen: simple oatmeal berry muffins

These delicious mini muffins are a staple in our house because they’re a quick one bowl recipe with ingredients that I always have in my pantry.  I make them about once a week to have on hand for snacks, breakfasts, lunch bags,  bedtime snacks — really, when isn’t a muffin convenient?  I make them in mini muffin tins so they are the perfect size for little hands.  in the kitchen: simple oatmeal berry muffins

The recipe isn’t fussy and doesn’t call for a ton of ingredients (inexpensive!) which means  I can have them ready for my boys in under 15 minutes from start to finish. Or if the children are helping me bake (usually the case!) I can let them do most of the work themselves.  Dump, mix, dump, mix 🙂

It’s not a super sweet muffin – the small amount of sugar and berries seem to make them just right. They’re also filling from the oatmeal but not dense and the addition of frozen fruit keeps them moist.

in the kitchen: simple oatmeal berry muffins – 1 cup of flour

– 1 1/4 cups of rolled oats

– 1/4 cup sugar

– 1 tbsp baking powder

– 1/2 tsp salt

– 1 beaten egg

– 1 cup milk

– 1/4 cup oil

– 3/4 cup of frozen berries (I use a frozen mix from costco – blueberries, raspberries & blackberries. Fresh works too.)

in the kitchen: simple oatmeal berry muffins

Combine flour, rolled oats, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Give it a stir. Add in milk, egg, oil and stir until dry ingredients are moistened. Gently fold in frozen berries.

in the kitchen: simple oatmeal berry muffins

Spoon into greased muffin tins (mini or full size) to almost full.

in the kitchen: simple oatmeal berry muffins

Bake at 425 degrees for about 8 minutes (for mini tins) or until they’re golden.

in the kitchen: simple oatmeal berry muffins
Makes about 24-28 mini muffins or 12 full size.

P.S. definitely eat with a swipe of butter over the top 😉

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