An open invitation to non-profit and community groups in the Prospect Road area to join us in the ROC’s Alternative Giving Initiative:
As many of us who volunteer for non-profit organizations know, it can be a challenge to secure enough funding to carry out your organizations mandate. At the ROC we are always looking for innovative ways to engage community and when one of our volunteers came back from a fundraising workshop with this idea we decided to experiment with it.
What is an Alternative Gift Exchange?
“Alternative Giving” will give residents an opportunity to give back to the larger community and honour their loved ones at the same time. “Alternative Giving” can eliminate holiday stress and rid folk of the nagging feeling that their uncle or son-in-law really doesn’t need another tie and their daughter’s teacher really doesn’t need another apple ornament.
This idea has been extremely successful in other places and we want to invite your group to experiment with us. We have secured space at the second Annual Crafters Market being held at the Prospect Road Community Centre October 15th 10am – 4pm.
There will be no cost to organizations to participate in this event
How the Alternative Gift Exchange Works:
The fair is set up like a career fair where people will have the opportunity to browse and chat with representatives from local non-profit organizations. Each organization will have their menu of what various donation amounts will be used for. These donations will support the organizations work, such as a donation to XYZ will cover costs of participation in activities for an underprivileged local youth, so that he or she can have some fun. The person making the donation in honour of a special someone will be presented with a certificate outlining the gift made. It’s very simple and a great way to honour your family and friends.
What we need from you:
To participate in the ROC’s first “Alternative Giving” initiative we need a confirmation from you by October3rd with a short write up about your group or organization, the mission or mandate, your goals and activities. This information is needed so that we can advertise the event through all of our networks. It also allows each group enough time to get the word out to their supporters as well. If you have brochures that would be great and pictures are always fun.
You will also need to prepare a “menu” of opportunities that people could choose to support, such as:
- Donation of $5 the Lions and/or the Legion to support the annual Seniors Christmas Dinner
- Donation of $10 to a local school for a new library book
- Donation of $15 to the Terence Bay Lighthouse group for preservation work on the building
- Donation of $20 to the ROC pays for 20 copies of the Prospective, our community newsletter and the name of the recipient listed.
- Donation $50 to the S. S. Atlantic Society for a new display cabinet
- Donation of $100 to East Dover Village Green Society to go towards purchase of the hall
- Donation of $ xxx to support any organizations core activities
We also invite you to use this opportunity to recruit new volunteers to join your organization. The Craft Market is well-supported and draws in a huge crowd from the local community, providing your organization the perfect venue to showcase your work and offer volunteer positions.
Each group will come up with their own menu items depending on which activities need support. We did make an agreement with the organizers of the Annual Crafters Market that no group would be selling goods at the Alternative Gift Exchange. It is donations and volunteer recruitment only.
We would be thrilled if you could join us in person, as a host of the “Alternative Giving” initiative to provide more information about your organization if requested. All organizations and groups participating will be given a display board on which to mount their organizations information and list of “Alternative Gift” ideas that people can sponsor.
Participating in an alternative gift fair is a great way to make a difference this holiday season, and it is also a “GREEN” option. At the fair people will learn about the many local non-profit organizations and the important work they are doing in our community.
For more information please contact:
- Barb Allen: Phone: 852.4664
- Kathryn Herbert: Phone: 221.4822