Intuitive Eating

Feels like Fall (!!!) today. Sunny with a lovely cool breeze.  I’m loving it!  September thru Thanksgiving is my favourite time of year. 🙂

We have a few errands to run for MIL tonight so I had a quick dinner when I got home.


Grilled cheese made on Sea Salt & Rosemary Foccacia with a slice of old cheddar (split in half) & thinly sliced tomatoes. 



Of course,  I tried out the Tomato Butter that I picked up at the Picnic on the weekend.  When I first tasted it, it reminded me of my Mom’s mince meat of all things (thinking it was the cloves, all spice or cinnamon?) but then once I had more, it was like a sweet ketchup.  Delish!!

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Along with the sandwich, I had a big bowl of salad. 


I picked this up from the grocery store, it included – assorted greens, mandarin oranges, dried cranberries, red onions, cherry tomatoes & almonds.  I added a handful of blueberries to the mix.



You may have noticed the Operation Beautiful book.  I had plans to pick up a copy over the weekend but on Friday I got an email from the publisher, asking if I’d like to review it for the blog.   What timing! 🙂  It arrived today.  I’ve only had a chance to skim through the book on my lunch break but let me tell you, it’s awesome; lots of familiar faces! Caitlin has really done a terrific job!   I can’t wait to sit down and read the whole thing.


She also sent along an extra copy, so stay tuned for my full review and a giveaway towards the end of the week.


I want to talk about Intuitive Eating for a minute.  

I read the book a long time ago, really loved the concept but found it difficult to incorporate into my lifestyle.  While trying to lose weight I would eat my calories/points and as long as I stayed within them, I was happy. I never really listened to my body or hunger cues.

Slowly but surely, I seem to be finding my grounds again. Last week I tracked most of the week and saw a loss.  I have been tracking faithfully the past 4 days and making every effort to listen and take cues from my body in regards to eating.  To be honest, I was quite impressed that I was actually able to listen and track everything that I ate on the weekend.  Usually weekends are off for me.  I also struggle with week days between 4-6pm.  Those are my “danger zones,” if you will.  But that’s a topic for another day.

Listening to my hunger cues versus listening to the little voices telling me they want sugary carbs is getting easier. We actually haven’t had a lot of empty foods in the house lately, there’s been an abundance of fresh produce.  Coincidence? Probably not.  It’s a known fact that for me personally, the cleaner I eat, the less I crave junky foods.  The hard part is transitioning.

I truly do believe in the saying “Everything in Moderation.”  For me deprivation only leads to binging but at the same time, it’s truly time that I pay better attention to my body and the the quality of foods that I put in to it.  I buy local/organic whenever possible but as noted last week, I have slipped by into some less than desirable habits.

I’m working on it and feeling confident and wanted to share! =) <— see my big ass grin?!

Here’s an example of how I’m kicking butt with the whole IE thing:
I usually wake up and get breakkie on, eating no later than 630am.  Even if I wasn’t hungry, I still ate.  Well yesterday, I sipped on my coffee, tidied the kitchen and then ate when I was actually hungry, which wasn’t until almost 715am. Simple yet something I ignored for far too long.

What are your thoughts on intuitive eating?  Is it natural or something you have to work at?

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