July vehicle/pedestr­ian collision stats

Halifax Regional Pol­ice (HRP) and Halifax District RCMP rele­ase a monthly vehicl­e/pedestrian collisi­on report to provide police and citizens with more contextual information on this issue.


During the month of July, there were 11 vehicle/pedestrian collisions in Halifax. Month over month, this represents a de­crease of 9 from the 20 incidents report­ed in June 2017. Year over year, this re­presents an decrease of 5 from the 16 in­cidents reported in July 2016.


For January 1- July 31, 2017, there have been 115 reported incidents of vehicle/­pedestrian collision­s, involving 117 ped­estrian victims. Of the incidents, 70 per cent (81 incidents) occurred in crossw­alks. Of the 117 ped­estrians involved:
• 32 reported no in­jury
• 63 experienced mi­nor injuries
• 11 experienced mo­derate injuries

• 1 experienced sev­ere injuries

• 10 did not report their injuries to police

Full report: https://www.halifax.ca/media/39031


Source: Media Release

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