Just What I Need

Husbands. Sigh. I think I speak for most, if not all wives when I say that they can get under our skins.

My husband? He doesn’t really see the mess on the counter that needs to be wiped up.
My husband? He isn’t necessarily the best diaper changer. 
My husband? He isn’t really handy around the house. 
My husband? He doesn’t always support my desires.

Now, I’m not in the least bit partial. As a wife I can certainly attest to failing as well.

When I get upset about the mess on the counter, I fail to recognize the dinner my husband has just made for me. 
When I complain about the diaper changes that aren’t like mine, I fail to appreciate what my husband brings to Cameron as a parent. 
When I wish that he were more handy, I fail to realize the gifts that my husband does possess in excess that he uses to provide for the household. 
When I feel like my desires are left unsupported, I fail to understand how frugally my husband tries to run our budget.

Yesterday, I realized how ungrateful I have been for my husband lately. Yesterday, I realized how much I’ve been failing to see.

You see, yesterday was a bad day. It was a really bad day in the middle of a crappy month. Every moment yesterday I felt like crumbling under the sheer weight of the world.

And yesterday, my husband stepped up. Yesterday, my husband became my rock. Yesterday, in the face of chaos and stress and financial hardship, my husband stayed calm and strong and supportive. Yesterday, my husband used his arms to comfort me, used his words to calm me, and used his time to meet our family’s needs.

Yesterday I realized that I have been given exactly the husband I need. I have been given a husband who doesn’t succumb to stress or anger under pressure as I am want to do. I have been given a husband who is able to look at problems with a level head and recognize that the world is not coming to an end. I have been given a husband who hopes in our family and has faith in our family to know that we will make it through anything.

I am a person who quivers in the face of adversity. I am a person who buckles under a little bit of stress. I am a person who expects the worst.

I am a person who needs someone just like my husband.  I am a person who has someone – my husband.

And I am so unbelievably grateful for him.

Next time I start nitpicking the little things that don’t come close to defining the man I married, I pray that I will be reminded that I was given a gift in my husband. I was given the man who is just what I need.

A Special Daddy-Son Moment taken earlier this month

**I need to be clear here. I truly believe that no one, myself especially, should publicly tear down their spouses. Although it may appear as if this was my intent at the beginning of the blog post, I hope it is clear that that in reality, this is the last thing I want to do or intend to do. My husband is my rock. He is my strength. He is my hero. He is amazing.**


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MommysMiracle/~3/HDLuzg_6gTI/just-what-i-need.html

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