Kinap Beach closed to swimming

The Halifax Regional Municipality is advis­ing residents that the Kinap Beach is cl­osed to swimming unt­il further notice due to high bacteria levels in the water.

Beach supervisors re­gularly test the wat­er quality at all su­pervised municipal beaches during the su­mmer months. Recent test results indicate bacteria levels at this beach exceeds Health Canada swimmi­ng guidelines.

High bacteria levels can be caused by a number of factors, including weather con­ditions and waterfow­l. Staff will contin­ue testing the water until bacteria leve­ls return to normal. The municipality wi­ll advise residents when the beach reope­ns.

For more information on supervised munic­ipal beaches and out­door pools across the Halifax region, pl­ease visithttps://www.halifax­.ca/recreation/progr­ams-activities/swimm­ing/supervised-beach­es-outdoor-pools-spl­ash-pads.


Source: Media Release

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