The Government of Canada has awarded a $6.5 million contract to Babcock Canada Inc. for critical refit work for Canadian Coast Guard ship CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent. This contract was awarded as the result of an open and competitive procurement process. The shipyard portion of the work will be carried out by Chantier Davie Canada Inc., a sub-contractor to Babcock Canada. The refit work to be completed on the vessel includes regulatory maintenance to the propulsion systems, hull, auxiliary/domestic systems and the navigation and communications systems. In the past this work has been Caried out in the Nova Dock By Halifax Shipyards.
The CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent is Canada’s largest and heaviest icebreaker. While in drydock at the Davie Shipyard in Lévis, Québec, the vessel will undergo critical maintenance. This work will be completed prior to the vessel’s deployment to the Arctic to provide icebreaking services and other activities including scientific research, search and rescue support, and delivery of essential supplies to remote communities.
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