Let’s go to the movies!… and other fun visual stuff

Check our our brand new video! Our Food: Making Connections

Over the past two years, the Our Food team, has been working hard to articulate the value and impact of the work we do.

We know that by deeply understanding this ourselves, we are able to move resources and our time around to be more effective. We can also more clearly align ourselves with partners to increase the impact for larger systems level change. To this end, we created the above video which highlights some aspects of our work.

Apart from videos, I have been exploring the power of visuals to get messages across. Using graphic facilitation during meetings to engage people deeper in the discussion and ignite more creative ways of thinking or approaching a challenge from a new angle (check out The Grove and more locally Brave Space).

Graphic facilitation during a strategic planning session of The Food Action Committee

Graphic facilitation during a strategic planning session of The Food Action Committee

Using photography to convey experiences.

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Apple picking on the 2014 Farm Tour

Using infographics to present complex research and information. I found these recently and learned a lot, much more than if I can across a 30 page written report that would go in my very large and very dusty ‘to read’ folder. There is so much good info out there, but we don’t have time to read it all. Infographics can help by giving you different layers of information to engage with.




If you want more movie time, you can check out this great video created by the City of Vancouver’s Food Strategy folks, the Top Ten Food Ted Talks, or a recent CBC show called Growing Concern: A new generation plants the seeds of an agricultural revolution (based on Nova Scotia urban/rural farming).

If we want to change the world, we have to be creative and have fun doing it!

Miranda Cobb, Storytelling, Evaluation, and Research for the Our Food Project

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