My blog is loved!

It is snowing around here, woo hoo! Not really 🙂 I expected a few flurries flying in the air, not the heavy wet snow flying from all directions. We had to come back inside, changed to our snow boots and stood outside for an hour hoping for the bus to come. I live on a hill and the bus was rerouted to avoid steep rides while failed to let me know when I called.

Squirt made it to school 5 minutes late and me an hour late. Oh well, at least we made it 🙂

On a positive note, Redz2486 at A Girls Live sent me this award all the way from Scotland. I’m so happy that you love my blog, thanks so much!

The rules:
– Post the award on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link
– Pass the award to 15 other blogs you’ve newly discovered
– Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I am always looking for more blogs to read, so much that my blog list overflows. It’s interesting to learn about products that aren’t available to me, to share feeling about life, or sometimes just to get to know a new friend who has similar addiction to beauty product as mine.

So here are the blogs that are new to me but keep me busy coming back for new posts:
Aquahearts Makeup Obsession
Citrine’s Blog
Get Gawjus
Iceomatic’s Nails
K. Lo Dot Com
Kris Primps
Magic Maid
Makeup Before Coffee
Nihrida’s Blog
Shop N’ Chomp
The Kronicles of a Konad-er

There are certainly lots of great blogs out there, I’d love to see which ones you have found and love 🙂


Where your poppy donations are spent


If you’ll be in Montreal: O’Neill Warehouse Sale