My Day At the CBC

A couple of weeks ago I got an email in my inbox, it was the CBC inviting me to be part of a very special day at the CBC. They were bringing Social Media Moms in from across Canada to discuss children programming and the CBC. I was excited to be included in this group of women as we have watched the CBC and are huge supporters in our house.

Well my day at the CBC actually began the day before when I got to meet up with Jody from Mommy Moment who had flown in from Manitoba ( my old stomping grounds in my youth). I was able to show her a few sites like the CN Tower and St. Lawerence Market, and we grabbed a bite to eat and got to know each other.

Then Thursday began bright and early as I headed down to Union Station to meet Shannon from who as she says is GPS challenged. then it was off to the Intercontinental to gather up Jody and Tammy from My Organized Chaos and Lynnette from My Wee View. From there it was off to the CBC. We grabbed a quick coffee and breakfast in the building where we met up with several other bloggers.

On the set of Steven and Chris

First on the agenda. We got to spend some time watching a taping of Steven and Chris. Guess who the guest of honor was? Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser. She has written a new book and is currently on a book tour promoting it.  Her new book is called Unlimited How to Build an Exceptional Life. She even answered some questions and one was about a 13 year old girl who was being bullied, sound familiar? What she recommends for girls just like my Rachel: take a stand and use your body language to say NO.  One of the other segment I really enjoyed was about creating a salad bowl ( a mini garden for small spaces-I think my mom would love this for her new small balcony). We came home with Jillian’s book and skincare from Amway.

After that we were whisked to the kids area of the CBC, where they had a wonderful lunch of sweet sandwiches, veggies and fruit, and the cutest cake. We got to mix and mingle with the staff behind Kids CBC. I had a great conversation with Kim Wilson Creative Head for Children and Youth Programming. We talked about the cuts and the lack of after school programming for school age kids.  She shared with me a project they are hoping to get funding for: a 24 hour CBC kids channel! Could it be? At that time school age, age appropriate programming would be available for our older school age kids as well. I really do hope they get the funding.

As well as talking the brains behind Kids CBC we got to mix with other great mom bloggers and some CBC celebs as well. I had a great conversation with Dwight Drummond about bullying.

My Day At the CBC

Me and Dwight Drummond

After lunch we got to see the set of Kids CBC and learn some very interesting facts about the CBC:

Did you know the have a developmental psychologist on staff? As some one who taught daycare for 15 years I was so glad to hear this as you can guarantee age appropriate content.

They have a new series coming up soon called Napkin Man.

The other thing this frugal mom loves the Kids CBC hosts several free events across Canada every year, and you know I love free, right.

As we were in the Kids CBC, Patty Sullivan came in from maternity leave to meet and greet us, as well as Mamma Yamma and her puppeteer Ali Eisner.

Asking Mamma Yamma for her Frugal Tip

As the Tweet Up was coming to an end I got to interview Mamma Yamma and Patty Sullivan, asking then for their frugal tips. Come back tomorrow because I am going to share their tips and I have a give away.

After the Tweet Up, I stopped by Mr. Dress Up’s Treehouse to check and see if Casey or Finnegan were home. They weren’t. Then it was off to watch George Stroumboulopoulos. We got to meet him before the show and we had a brief conversation about the World Food Program, and got to have a picture taken with him.

Me and @Strombo

It truly was a great day at the CBC. I had so much fun, learned alot and even  came home with a giveaway and some frugal tips so please do stop by tomorrow to learn what Mamma Yamma and Patty Sullivan do to stay frugal.

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