My First Client…

1I had my first official client to train this week. It was pretty exciting! I’ve never “officially” trained anyone before besides myself and helping out a few friends here and there with some things. After our first night of training, I was pretty confident that I worked her out pretty hard and was happy with what I showed her and what we were able to accomplish. I even did the workout with her and it kicked my ass! The only thing that I wasn’t sure about is how she felt about our first workout… That is until last night when she emailed me this; An article/story/testimonial of our first workout. I didn’t ask for her to write me something and was NOT expecting it at all, but I have to say I’m very happy with what she had to say and thought I would share it with you all.

First of all, let me start off by saying I was pretty nervous going into my first weight training session with Scott. I’m no stranger to the gym; I’ve done my share of cardio, kettle bells, circuit machines and the like, but I have ZERO experience with an actual weight resistance/training program.

My biggest fear about weight training and the reason I’ve stayed away from it, is that I don’t want to “bulk up”. I’m sure many women out there can understand where I’m coming from when I say this. I’ve always thought that lifting heavy weights and weight training (or at least heavy for me) was going to make me look like the She-Hulk, which is not exactly the look I’m going for. Scott explained to me that the #1 myth when it comes to women’s weight training is that weight training makes you bulky and masculine. Due to the fact that women do not, and cannot, naturally produce as much testosterone (one of the main hormones responsible for increasing muscle size) as males do, it is impossible for a woman to gain huge amounts of muscle mass by merely touching some weights. That really set my mind at ease.

Scott took me through a total body routine that include overhead shoulder press, squats, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell arm curls, dumbbell skull crushers, and lat pull downs, doing 3 sets of 12 reps for each workout. I was thrilled when he decided to do the workout along with me. I tend to be a visual learner, so first watching him do the move (correctly) was a fantastic help. Also, having him right there to support me both physically so that I can lift the heaviest weight for me, as well as mentally to encourage me and ensure I keep my form proper and that I get 12 reps in every time, will be instrumental to any success I have with this routine.

After the workout I knew I was in trouble, and going to be sore, when we were leaving the gym because I had to ask Scott to carry my water bottle for me because my arms simply couldn’t do it! It was a great feeling though! I was not at all prepared to feel like I got a good workout. I’m from the school of if you don’t sweat your ass off, you’re wasting your time. But that simply isn’t true. It’s all about balance. The next two days I experienced that awesome wicked workout muscle pain that Scott is always raving about. And I’ll tell you this, it makes it hard to move around, but it feels amazing!

So the program I’m on now involves weight training 3 days a week, cardio 2 or 3 days (with some abs in there too), and then a rest day. He is designing 3 different total body weight programs for me to rotate through. I’m not going to lie, I’m a little frightened of what Saturday has to bring (our next time together in the gym), but I’m very happy and can’t wait to keep going and start seeing results.

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