My NOT a New Years Resolution List

I don’t do New Years resolutions!

Throughout the year I strive to set myself goals to attain on a regular basis.  Once they’re reached I then set new goals or if something happens that needs me to amended my goals, I do that and create a new set.  For me, this isn’t something that I only do once a year on January 1st, it’s something I do on a regular basis.

With 2011 being here and now that I’m back in Canada, I’ve realized I need to set myself some new goals.  But these aren’t New Years resolutions!  They’re my goals for the next 3 months.

1. Lose the 8lbs I put on
As you know I’ve been travelling Europe and loving the food and wine A LOT!! I’ve put on about 8lbs and I’m OK with that because it was WELL worth it, but it’s now time to get back to eating well all the time and getting back in shape.  I want to turn that 8lbs of fat in to 8lbs of muscle, figuratively speaking of course.

2. Finish my Fitness Theory Certification
Before I left, I had taken my FT course and was about to write my exam but didn’t have the chance.  I’m now going to start studying again and write my exam in the next month or two.

3. Try for my Agatsu Kettlebell Certification
This one is really based on money and time.  There’s a certification in February in Saint John, NB and I really really want to go for it, but it’s a time/money thing that may not let me be ready by then.

4. Get a job in the fitness industry
I really want to get in to a gym and start doing some training but I can’t do that until I have my certs, so numbers 2 and 3 are key on this list!  But what I can do is start behind a counter or doing sales or marketing for a gym, so here’s hoping.

5. Start training for the Bluenose Marathon
I’ve been asked to join Team Myles and to also be the “blogging technical coordinator” for 2011 for the Bluenose Marathon.

The basic premise of Team Myles is to provide an opportunity for selected “ambassadors” to receive very special training support and resources as they begin their journey to participating in their chosen event (5 or 10k). The ideal candidate is new or relatively new to being active or new to Blue Nose Marathon.

As I’ve never run more than 5k in my life (and I walked some of it) I’m REALLY looking forward to this.

So here are my 5 goals to attain in the next three months.  I think most of them are reachable and I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

What are your most recent goals? Did you set New Years resolutions? Do you set them every year? Have you attained them?  Tell me about yours and let me know how you made out in the past and how you’re making out in your newest ones.

Celebrating with Fiction

The Bachelor: Spin, baby, spin