As mentioned above I made a mac and cheese, and used the parm crisps recipe from Sobeys (grab that here) as a fun little crispy garnish. When thinking about how to incorporate the crisps and the mountain cheese into a recipe I thought of an infinite number of ideas, but I couldn’t help, but think about how I loved the idea of using the crisps as a topping or garnish. (A) it’s unexpected, and I’m always looking for fun ideas to make things look (and taste) fancy. (B) it’s basically like ensuring that the best part of a casserole (you know the part everyone fights over) is on everyone’s dish, and is still crispy by the time it gets to them!
Initially I placed the little crisps off to the side which for sure calls attention to them in a much more bold way, and then I also kind of like them placed directly on top. You could go either way depending on your preference, but either way I’m sure your guests will be intrigued and asking about them.
Side note because I know I’ll get questions about this later, if you’re interested in these super cool stemless lead free crystal glasses (I’m obsessed with their shape) you can find those at your local Think Kitchen stores or where ever Trudeau Cuisine products are sold. Be sure to check out their website, so you can see where they are sold in your area by clicking here.
How are you celebrating parm night? Be sure to find me on social media later today I’m obsessed with this cheese, so I want to know as many recipes as possible! Tweet, or tag me @shortpresents on instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #myparmnight to win!