
New Hants County Seniors Safety Coordinator Announced, Hants County, N.S.

Lisa Wallace is the new Hants County Seniors Safety Coordinator hired to address the health and safety concerns of seniors in Hants County.

The announcement was made October 15 at the Hants Shore Community Health Centre in Kempt Shore by Windsor (Rural) and East Hants RCMP, along with board members and representatives from the Hants Community Health Board.

In the coming weeks Ms. Wallace will be networking with various seniors organizations. She can be reached by contacting either the East Hants or Windsor (Rural) RCMP offices.

Pictured in the photo at the announcement (from left to right):
Back row: Andrea Parker, Managing Director, Hants Shore Community Health Centre; Cst. Shelley MacDonald, East Hants RCMP; Cst. Les Kakonyi, Community Policing Coordinator, East Hants RCMP; and S/Sgt Dan Austin, Detachment Commander, Windsor (Rural) RCMP.
Front row: Peggy Hamilton, Carol Cunningham and Lisa Wallace.

Hants Shore Community Health Centre

Source: Release

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