Westergard and Sons are excited to announce the successful agreement with the Waterfront Development Corporation to lease the famous Bluenose Shed on the historic Lunenburg Waterfront. The long unattended building will be revived to its original purpose for the construction of a 60′ gaff-rigged schooner for the Blue Dream Project. This is also the Shed that the Bounty Was constructed in.
The Alaskan yellow cedar for the Blue Dream Project has arrived at the Bluenose shed in Lunenburg. The planking was sourced in BC and eventually shipped via rail to Halifax, and then by truck to Lunenburg, NS. So accurate is the sawing that the planks will not need to be dressed before hanging them on the new schooner. This is a new shipment but the same species of wood used in the planking for the Twin Schooner Project, Built up the road at the Dory Shop.