Not so Black Friday…

Today is Buy Nothing Day.

It is a growing movement to start changing the mindsets of consumers – for this holiday season and for 2009. While it may be loosely organized and not given full support by those who want to spend, it is an interesting day to take a chance to improve the way you look at spending during the holiday season.

As a member of Haligonia, take this day any way you want! If it sounds RIDICULOUS, look at what the action (or the inaction to spend, for that matter) will mean to many people who have a hard time during this season. It could be a huge success if people recognize it and

If you support the idea, PROTEST against consumerism! Take the time to read, exercise or spend time with loved ones. HAVE FUN! The weather has been wonderful in Haligonia the last few days.

Check out what people are saying about the concept. Talk to co-workers. Start a conversation with someone new. Get Haligonia in the know about this!

The rest of the world has its Buy Nothing Day tomorrow. Don’t hesitate to protest against spending for the WHOLE weekend…

– Perry King

More info can be found here:

Sell Your House. Pay Yourself.

Pernille Fischer Boulter, Kisserup International Trade Roots