
One at a time in 2011

It’s the first blog post of the New Year and one of my resolutions for 2011 is to get back to blogging.

Actually.  That’s a lie.  I haven’t specifically resolved to blog more.

In fact, I hate resolutions.  To me, it makes more sense – if I want to change something in my life – to just do it.  Now.  Why wait until January 1st?  Or next week? Or Monday? Or “this is my last drink”.  Or coffee.  Or cigarette.  Or whatever.


I have decided to make a change.  I’m not sure why January 2011 is all of a sudden auspicious.  Perhaps I found 2010 a bit overwhelming and I want to shake it off and start clean.  Perhaps I was just lazy over Christmas.  Perhaps, like the millions of other people who make resolutions for the New Year, I just needed a starting point:  a definite marker to say, “On this day I changed that.”


If only to measure how long it lasts.


My resolution?  Such as it is?

Actually, it’s my new mantra:

One at a time.

One thing, one job, one person, one activity, one place, one time, one now.

Some of you will understand what I mean: the feeling of tail-chasing; of never being finished; of never being satisfied; of one eye on the future; of a palpable ennui even in the midst of endless swirling activity.  Dizzying.

I want to slow down the roller coaster.

‘One at a time’ is kind of like ‘living in the moment’, but it’s less esoteric.  More practical.

Yes, I think 2010 nearly killed me.  Too much stuff.

Ok, 2011 will still be full but I want it to feel different.  Although I love everything I do, I know that when I am doing whatever it is – be it practicing music, planning a production, teaching, writing a finding application,  having drinks with friends, or even writing this blog post – my mind is on something else.  What’s next?  What else do I have to do?  And what’s after that?

And at a certain level I can accept that this is how I am: attracted to shiny things, a need for a variety of stimuli.  Heck, I’m pretty sure I’ve written on topic before.

But man, I’m pooped.  Physically, mentally and soulfully.


Starting with a bit of yoga this morning I resolve to try to do things one at a time.

After all:

There is only one me.

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