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I think it is obvious how frigging tired I am! lol
As I mentioned, our meeting’s topic was intended to be about how to deal with the holidays and we talked about “food-centered relationships.” One of the tips that our leader mentioned is that if you outright “ask for help” from someone in your family to “help you” because you are “trying to stay on program bla bla” the very act of “asking” for their help normally changes their perspective and they will actually assist you in your efforts rather than sabotage them.
Our usual meeting pose!
And I gotta tell ya’ll that I totally killed it at the gym and sweat up a storm! My knees weren’t bothering me “too” much, so I made a bee line for the treadmill and lit it up for 45 minutes! I love running now and I’m still completely floored by that. The last 5 minutes were cool down, but the 10 minutes leading up to that were HIIT and I felt a little bit like Ben Johnson (‘cept I’m all natural all the way baby!) 😀 Next I did some stretching (I LOVE those stretching stations that they have at Nubody’s!! They are genius! I finished off with a few sets of various upper body strength, some minor ab work and some more hip flexor stretches (I could do that one all day long!)
All in all I left the gym feeling like a champ! Hitting up the gym after our WW meeting is absolutely THE best way to start off a new week on the right foot. After I got home, I showered, got dressed and then the husband and I were off to run some errands. We ended up at Boston Pizza for supper where I ended up eating too much, using about half of my Flex Points for the week already on Day ONE, but honestly who the h.e. double hockey stix cares?! I’m kickin ass and takin’ names bloggies and 0.8 IS 0.8 for a total of 6.4lbs and one full month on program!!
Booooyahhhhh! 🙂