Opinion: My Vision of Argyle

Date: 2012.04.11 | Category: Opinions | Tags:


Argyle street has the potential for pedestrian greatness and this is my rough idea

There are some issues to overcome but

a closure from Duke to Carmichael sitting on one side is City Hall and Grand Parade  on the other the current WTCC why wouldn’t this be an awesome place for a mini floral park or Art park
a continued closure of Carmichael from Grafton to and including Argyle
a teired seating could be established on Carmichael to allow for people to sit out and eat their lunch
continuing closure to Prince this would have to leave one lane open to access special event and emergency vehicles and would allow and outlet for food trucks to gain access but more permanent patio space

Prince would continue open to allow traffic then Prince to Sackville would be again closed creating an open patio area and the city could again lease sites for mobile eateries in the fair weather/year round
when we get to Sackville, traffic again would flow then we run into a problem spot. The garage of the Marriott is on Argyle so a bit of street would have to remain open for their use  but then a closure again continuing on to and including closure of Blowers between Grafton and Barrington leaving Blowers open for special events Art installations, fund raisers, buskers? and the Argyle Part as obtainable space for the local merchants

It would be limited so that deliveries were before 10am and there would have to be a crew dedicated to it’s beautification by keeping trash in check and maintaining plants

this idea is rough and needs fine tuning but this is my vision

Opinion: My Vision of Argyle

click to enlarge




Source: http://halifax.retales.ca/opinion-my-vision-of-argyle/

New Girl: JFK, FDR!

Glee: Oh, brother…