Oscar Party 2012

L-A: What up Red Carpet/Award Show snark fans? Ready for another round of awards? Ready for cupcakes? Ready for a Billy Crystal musical number? (no, me neither). We’re out at Carbon Arc Cinema (at the Khyber) tonight partying with Lauren and Ben/Yelp. But even if geography, an early bedtime, a cold or  a transit strike has you watching at home, you can still join in on the fun.  We’ll start things at 7pm with the E! red carpet and then we’ll decide if we want to switch to CTV at 8pm. Ally has come down with another Daycare Plague, so she may be MIA (depending on how she feels this evening – or she may be in top form after a few glasses of Neo Citran). But the usual suspects – Jill and Intern Krista will be around with their stellar snark and pop culture commentary.   ...

L-A: What up Red Carpet/Award Show snark fans? Ready for another round of awards? Ready for cupcakes? Ready for a Billy Crystal musical number? (no, me neither).

We’re out at Carbon Arc Cinema (at the Khyber) tonight partying with Lauren and Ben/Yelp. But even if geography, an early bedtime, a cold or  a transit strike has you watching at home, you can still join in on the fun.  We’ll start things at 7pm with the E! red carpet and then we’ll decide if we want to switch to CTV at 8pm.

Ally has come down with another Daycare Plague, so she may be MIA (depending on how she feels this evening – or she may be in top form after a few glasses of Neo Citran). But the usual suspects – Jill and Intern Krista will be around with their stellar snark and pop culture commentary.


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/FashionablePeople/~3/nrrZ5lLulx4/

March Break is Coming

March Break is Coming

Breast cancer fundraiser reaches $10,000

Breast cancer fundraiser reaches $10,000